About Climb Tasmania
Climb Tasmania Incorporated is a non-profit organisation for the promotion of climbing related issues. Founded by Robert McMahon and Gerry Narkowicz in February 2002, it has the following purposes:
- publish guide books to Tasmanian rock climbing areas
- promote Tasmania as a rockclimbing destination interstate and overseas
- safeguard and negotiate access to rockclimbing areas
- promote cliff safety, cliff environment and rehabilitation
- provide climbing safety information and instruction
- promote increased participation in rockclimbing and it’s development
Membership of Climb Tasmania is free. Increased membership means greater influence when promoting climbers’ issues with city councils, government departments, land managers etc. For a membership application form please phone Gerry Narkowicz on 0490830922. Thankyou for your support.
Gerry Narkowicz is 49 years old and has been active on the Tasmanian climbing scene since 1980. He has been on the first ascent of about 800 routes particularly in Northern Tasmania at areas such as Ben Lomond, the North and South Esk Rivers, Hillwood, and the Fingal Valley. Along with Robert McMahon, he is the co-author of Climb Northern Tasmania, North Esk, Memory Of A Journey and the guide to the South Esk. He is a full time P.E teacher.
For more information contact: Gerry Narkowicz
Phone: 0490 830922 or
email: narkowiczg@lcs.tas.edu.au